Garageband is quite useful even when using pro sequencers for real work. It allows to sketch a tune easily, even on a low end MacBook or iMac. I usually work with Finale and Cubase, and I love them, but Garageband's ease of use is hard to beat.
I found out that using Garageband with Motu Symphonic Orchestra's virtual instruments, the audio tracks kept clicking and cracking. It's not an hardware issue - I tried both with an iMac 2g and an 8 core MacPro with 8 gigs of ram: same result.
This issue is not always there. Only some "songs" have problems, and it happens with all the versions of Garageband I tried: 3 as well as iLife 08 and 09.
The solution is easy, and I found it out comparing project with and without the cracking problem.
The same virtual instrument should not be used in more than one track. In the project above, the Viola was in two tracks. By copying and pasting them into a single track, the distortions disappeared.

Susanna is VFX Wizard's executive officer. She holds a MS degree in Communications Science, is a published author, has a music academy diploma and a specialist certificate in film scoring. Her music has been distributed internationally. She is at ease with any keyboard: qwerty or midi. She's also the one ensuring projects are done on time and within the budget - that's why in the studio she's affectionately known as Severus Snape's long lost sister.