"If you got a little talent and you work hard, you'll do better than a lazy guy which has got a lot of talent"
Elzie Crisler Segar in Popeye's Cartoon Club, 1934
The kind of wizards that guide and help you
We have nothing but respect and admiration towards the true special effects and digital cinematography wizards of all times. Pioneers and innovators whose efforts changed forever the way visual arts are perceived.
Compared to them, a name like Vfx Wizard sounds preposterous.
Now think about software wizards and the picture will focus on another kind of wizards: those who assist you and make complex task easier.
That would be us. And our mission is just that: to make your life a bit easier.
VFX Wizard is here to provide tools and training resources that are well organized, reliable and affordable. We hope everybody will find something useful here, from the unexperienced beginner up to the seasoned pro looking for a specific solution.